Top Of The Week

What are the 3 types of web design?

Web design is of three types, to be specific: static, dynamic or CMS and e-commerce. Choosing the type of website design...

What are the seven design elements that effective web sites feature define each of these?

There are seven design elements, 7C, that need to be considered when creating a website intended for commerce and sales....

What type of job is a web designer?

A web designer is an IT professional responsible for designing the design and interface of websites. Users interact with...

What is web and its type?

The website can be created by any person, group or company. A website is a set of web pages developed in HTML code,...

How many hours per day do web developers work?

But a new Stack Overflow study suggests that most developers (that is, another 13.4 percent) work 35-39 hours, and 11.6...

What does a web designer do daily?

A web designer creates the layout and design of a website. In simple terms, a website designer makes a site look good.

Recent Posts

What are the 3 types of web pages?

What are the 3 types of web pages?

Web design is of three types, to be specific: static, dynamic or CMS and e-commerce. Choosing the type of website design...

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